Evaluation of edaphic fertilizers
on physical and organoleptic characteristics of the
fruit of the hybrid Sarchimor 4260 (Coffea
arabica L.) in three processing methods.
Published Instituto Tecnológico
Superior Edwards Institute.
- Ecuador Periodicity October - December Vol. 1, Num. 23, 2024 pp. 85-106 http://centrosuragraria.com/index.php/revista Dates of receipt Received: March 17, 2024 Approved: July 21, 2024 Correspondence author yhonny.valverde@unesum.edu.ec Creative Commons License Creative Commons License,
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International.https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.es
Jazmín Janeth-Menendez1
Yhony Alfredo Valverde Lucio2
Ingeniera Forestal, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabi ORCID:0009
0001 6967 6784, jazmín.menendez@unesum.edu.ec Ing. Agropecuario. Doctor en Biociencias y Ciencias
Agroalimentarias Universidad Estatal del Sur
de Manabi ORCID: 0000 0002 9792 9400 yhonny.valverde@unesum.edu.ec
Key words: biostimulants,
granulometry, tasting, benefits, humus.
Resumen: El
objetivo investigativo, fue el determinar la incidencia de la fertilización
edáfica sobre la calidad física y organoléptica del café Sarchimor 4260 (Coffea
arabica L.) en tres diferentes métodos de beneficio; húmedo (BH), seco (BS)
y semi húmedo (SH). Se aplicó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con
arreglo factorial de 32 con tres repeticiones, donde los factores en
estudio fueron a) fertilizantes micorriza (M), humus (H) y urea (U), y b) los
métodos de beneficios. Los resultados determinaron que en las variables
longitud, diámetro y grosor del fruto, todos los tratamientos son iguales; en
lo que respecta al porcentaje de granos vanos, el T5 (H BS) resultó ser el de
mejor comportamiento con un 3%, en cuanto a granos caracolí, el mayor
porcentaje lo registró el tratamiento T6 (H SH) con 13,5 %. El análisis
granulométrico determinó diferencias estadísticas entre tratamientos solo en la
zaranda 14, donde los Tratamientos T5 (H BS) y T1 (M-BH), alcanzaron el mayor porcentaje;
mientras el T6 (H-SH) fue el menor en el
tamiz 15; el mejor comportamiento lo tiene el T2: (M BS) y tamiz 17 el mejor es
el T8 (U BS). La evaluación de características de fruto como color y forma de
fruto, forma de disco y presencia de limbo en el cáliz, no presentaron
diferencia estadística significativa, y las pruebas sensoriales determinaron
que el mejor puntaje en taza lo obtuvo en la muestra del T6 (H - SH) con 82,75
puntos, correspondiente al beneficio húmedo.
Bioestimulantes, granulometría, catación, beneficios, humus.
Latin America's coffee
industry has a 61% share of world production, the largest on the planet, and
this production is led by far by Brazil, who produced in the 2022/2023 harvest,
around 62 million bags of 60 kilos; in Latin America Ecuador ranks 11th with
35,000 bags, well below Colombia and Peru, as well as Central American
countries (en.statista.com/statistics/, 2024). In many Latin American
countries, plantations are combined with trees that provide shade, capture
carbon dioxide (CO2) and protect the soil, becoming one of the main forms of
land use in the tropical forest (Larios et al., 2016), which is
exploited by small producers, who depend economically on what they produce on
their farms (Godínez Bazán, 2023).
According to the records
of the National Ecuadorian Coffee Association "ANECAFE" in Ecuador,
the number of cultivated hectares in 1983 was 346,971 (obest.uta.edu.ec, 2020), in this context
Vera-Velásquez et al. (2023) mentions that in the province of Manabí,
Ecuador, the coffee sector is of relevant economic, social and ecological
importance. The economic impact of coffee cultivation lies in its contribution
of foreign exchange to the State and the generation of income for the families
Alarcó Alicia (2011),
citing the National Coffee Council "COFENAC", mentions that coffee in
Ecuador is grown in all regions, including the Galapagos, and is of significant
social importance, generating at least 105,000 jobs for families in the rural
sector, and generating some 700,000 additional jobs through marketing, value
added and exports. It also adds that this crop has edaphic importance due to
its adaptability to the different ecosystems of the country. Venegas Sánchez et al. (2018) points
out that production is concentrated in the provinces of Manabí, particularly in
the canton of Jipijapa, and in the province of Loja, the latter located in the
foothills of the western Cordillera of the Andes. In this context Labrada
(2022) mentions that Ecuador has approximately 199,215 hectares of coffee
plantations, of which an important portion, around 38.6%, is located in the
Canton of Jipijapa, province of Manabi. In addition.
Two genetic lines of
Sarchimor were introduced to Ecuador in 1985: C-1669 and C-4260, selected at
the Agronomic Institute of Campiñas in Brazil; both showed good adaptation,
mainly in the dry zones of Manabí, El Oro and Loja. It is a low-growing hybrid
with bronze-colored shoots, high production, low fruit loss and resistance to
rust (Amores et al., 2004).
The use of chemical
fertilizers and organic fertilizers in crops is necessary, since the original
nutrient content of soils is generally insufficient for crop growth and
development (Avila and Sansores, 2003). Soil fertility is fundamental for
agricultural production, since it depends on the capacity of the cropland to
produce food in optimal conditions and quantities. Organic fertilizers act
indirectly and slowly, with the advantage of improving soil texture and
structure, increasing nutrient retention capacity, making assimilation by the
plant more efficient, as well as improving water storage capacity (Ayon et
al., 2023).
Regarding the physical
characteristics of coffee, this is closely related to the quality and therefore
is subject to the controls that are implemented from the management of the
coffee plantation, the harvesting of the fruits, the processing and preparation
for export, in this context lies its importance, since it will influence cup
quality. The physical characteristics of the bean are related to the shape,
size, color, uniformity, humidity, density and defects of the bean (Duicela et
al., 2010; Cañarte et al., 2021); on the other hand, Vázquez Osorio et
al. (2020), indicate that the soil, environment, climate, altitude,
storage, as well as preparation, are factors that influence the quality of the
In this context, the
objective of this research work is to "determine the incidence of
ecological fertilizers on the physical quality of the bean of the hybrid
Sarchimor 4260 (Coffea arabica L.) in three processing methods", in
order to contribute to the coffee sector with soil fertilization alternatives
that favorably affect cup quality.
The present investigation was carried out in the experimental farm of
the State University of southern Manabi, which is located at km 4.5 of the road
that connects the canton Jipijapa with the Noboa parish of the canton 24 de
mayo, in the province of Manabí, between Geographic coordinates located at 378
masl with a georeferencing of 17M 0551229 and UTM 9851068 (Holguín Flores,
2029), with predominantly dry warm climate in the West zone, warm humid with
dry seasons in the East zone, with an average temperature 24° C.
The Jipijapa canton is located in the south of the province of Manabí
and because it is a historical reference in the production of coffee in
Ecuador, it was baptized by popular slang as the Sultana del Café (Sultan of
Coffee). According to Ponce et al, (2022) coffee was cultivated for the
first time in 1830 in the canton of Jipijapa, achieving excellent productivity
due to its agro-edaphic qualities. Jipijapa is located in the extreme southwest
of the Province of Manabí, 403 km from Quito, the capital of Ecuador.
The experiment on coffee cultivation was carried out on a 6-year-old
coffee cultivar, in which 500 coffee plants of the Sarchimor 4260 hybrid were
Data collection
Some important characteristics of
the ripe fruit were evaluated, as well as some metric aspects of the bean, in
both cases the coffee descriptors proposed by the International Plant Genetic
Resources Institute "IPGRI" were used as a guide; and for the
granulometric evaluation and identification of the proportion of the bean, the
sieves number 14, 16 and 17 were used.
processing, whether dry, semi-dry or wet, was carried out in a canopy measuring
7 by 4 meters, covered with transparent polyethylene plastic sheeting, with
beds of plastic mesh arranged in 3 rows. The coffee was stored once a humidity
of 11.5% was determined, the storage time was two months, after this time the
coffee was piled and then weighed, establishing samples of 500 grams.
taking the samples to the tasting laboratory of Solubles Instantáneos, the
metric characteristics of the seeds were evaluated, taking measurements of
length (mm), width (mm) and thickness (mm), from which the data of 10 seeds per treatment were averaged, using a digital vernier
the physical characteristics of the grain, the following variables were taken
into account: proportion of "snail" grains (%) and weight of snail
grains; for this calculation, 200 ripe fruits were taken and by observation the
rounded or snail-shaped grains were identified.
sieving test was carried out according to NTE INEN 290 , using the
procedure of granulometric analysis or the determination of the proportions of
the beans, according to their sizes in a representative sample of green coffee
of 300 grams. Table 1 describes the orifices of the sieves number 14, 16 and
17, used for the granulometric analysis according to ISO 4150.
Table 1. Description of the sieves
N° Sieve |
Hole size (mm) |
Nominal diameter |
Tolerance |
14 |
5,6 |
± 0,07 |
15 |
6,0 |
± 0,08 |
17 |
6,7 |
± 0,08 |
An evaluation of the physical
defects of green coffee in a sample of 300 grams was carried out using a table
for the evaluation of defects according to the NTE INE285:2006 standard. Table
2 below shows the types of defects evaluated. A sample of 300 grams of green
coffee was taken for each treatment; the decision is determined based on a
maximum of 30 defects, less than this number implies that the coffee complies
with the required technical specifications.
Table 2. Assessment
of physical defects of green coffee
of defect |
Estimate |
Conversion |
Quantity of defective grains and/or foreign matter (C) |
Defect value (V/D) x(C) |
Defect (D) |
Vale (V) |
Factor (V/D) |
grain |
Primary |
1 |
1 |
(1/1) |
1 |
x |
X |
black grain |
Primary |
2 |
1 |
(1/2) |
0,5 |
x |
X |
grain |
Primary |
1 |
1 |
(1/1) |
1 |
x |
X |
grain |
Primary |
2 |
1 |
(1/2) |
0,5 |
x |
X |
grain |
Primary |
2 |
1 |
(1/2) |
0,5 |
x |
X |
stick or stone |
Primary |
1 |
5 |
(5/1) |
5 |
x |
X |
Medium stick or stone (o) |
Primary |
1 |
2 |
(1/2) |
2 |
x |
X |
Stick or
small stone |
Primary |
1 |
1 |
(1/1) |
1 |
x |
X |
grain |
Secondary |
5 |
1 |
(1/5) |
0,2 |
x |
X |
grain |
Secondary |
5 |
1 |
(1/5) |
0,2 |
x |
X |
or deformed grain |
Secondary |
5 |
1 |
(1/5) |
0,2 |
x |
X |
or glassy grain |
Secondary |
5 |
1 |
(1/5) |
0,2 |
x |
X |
veined |
Secondary |
5 |
1 |
(1/5) |
0,2 |
x |
X |
grain |
Secondary |
5 |
1 |
(1/5) |
0,2 |
x |
X |
grain |
Secondary |
10 |
1 |
(1/10) |
0,1 |
x |
X |
Pale or semi-pale grains |
Secondary |
5 |
1 |
(1/5) |
0,2 |
x |
X |
or chopped grain |
Secondary |
5 |
1 |
(1/5) |
0,2 |
x |
X |
grain |
Secondary |
5 |
1 |
(1/5) |
0,2 |
x |
X |
grain |
Secondary |
5 |
1 |
(1/5) |
0,2 |
x |
X |
grains |
Secondary |
5 |
1 |
(1/5) |
0,2 |
x |
X |
grain |
Secondary |
5 |
1 |
(1/5) |
0,2 |
x |
X |
Ears and
or shells |
Secondary |
5 |
1 |
(1/5) |
0,2 |
x |
X |
seca (dried cherry) |
Secondary |
1 |
1 |
(1/1) |
1 |
x |
X |
shell fragment |
Secondary |
1 |
1 |
(1/1) |
1 |
x |
X |
shell fragment |
Secondary |
2 |
1 |
(1/2) |
0,5 |
x |
X |
shell fragment |
Secondary |
5 |
1 |
(1/5) |
0,2 |
x |
X |
with parchment |
Secondary |
2 |
1 |
(1/2) |
0,5 |
x |
X |
fragment of Parchment |
Secondary |
1 |
1 |
(1/1) |
1 |
x |
X |
fragment of Parchment |
Secondary |
5 |
1 |
(1/5) |
0,2 |
x |
X |
fragment of Parchment |
Secondary |
10 |
1 |
(1/10) |
0,1 |
x |
X |
Total, of physical defects in the green coffee
sample |
Xx |
Source: Líder Figueroa.
Density of coffee
The density of the beans was
determined using the "weight/liter" method proposed by Becker and
Freytag (1992), the procedure involves weighing beans contained in the measure
of one liter. Current crop" coffee is characterized by a denser bean
structure compared to "old crop" coffee. The interpretation
determines that mass densities exceeding 650 grams/liter represent a high
density of coffee beans.
Qualitative variables
Five qualitative variables were
considered for the analysis, which were organized and data were collected
according to the recommendations of the "IPGRI" coffee descriptors;
Fruit: five observations: Fruit
color: observed on ripe fruit, 1 Yellow, 2 Yellow orange, 3 Orange, 4 Reddish
orange, 5 Red, 6 Purple red, 7 Purple, 8 Purple violet, 9 Violet, 10 Black, 11
Other (specify in descriptor Notes 6.5)
Fruit shape (average of five ripe
non-fleshed fruits), 1 Rounded, 2 Ovoid, 3 Oval, 4 Elliptical, 5 Oblong, 6
Absence/presence of ribs on fruit, 0
Absent, 1 Present.
Fruit disk shape (found at the end
of the kernel), 1 Not marked, 2 Marked, but not prominent, 3 Prominent (cylindrical), 4 Beaked (contracted apex
in the shape of a bottleneck), presence of calyx blade: 0 No, 1 Yes
Statistical design
For the analysis of the
quantitative variables, parametric statistics were applied, and considering the
factors involved in the trial, it was decided to apply a randomized block
design with a factorial arrangement of 32 , which resulted in 9
treatments with three replications, giving a total of 27 experimental units.
Factor A was the type of combinations of organic fertilizers (mycorrhiza,
humus, urea) and factor B the methods of processing, as shown in Table 3 below.
3. Description of the
treatments under study
Factor A soil fertilization |
Factor B Types of
benefits |
T1 |
Fertilization with mycorrhizae
(M) |
Wet processing (BH) (anaerobic fermentation) |
T2 |
Fertilization with mycorrhiza
(M) |
dry processing (BS) (natural coffee). |
T3 |
Fertilization with mycorrhiza
(M) |
Semi-wet processing (SH) (yellow honey). |
T4 |
Fertilization with humus (H) |
Wet beneficiation (BH) (anaerobic fermentation). |
T5 |
Fertilization with humus (H) |
Dry processing (BS) (natural coffee). |
Fertilization with humus (H) |
Semi-wet processing (SH) (yellow
honey). |
T7 |
Fertilization with urea (U) |
Wet beneficiation (BH) (anaerobic
fermentation). |
T8 |
Fertilization with urea (U) |
Dry processing (BS) (natural coffee). |
T9 |
Fertilization with urea (U) |
Semi-wet processing (SH) (yellow honey). |
To determine the differences between
treatment means, Tukey's 5% significance test was applied.
For the analysis of qualitative variables, the non-parametric chi-square test was applied, trying to find
statistical differences between two correlated variables, or otherwise describe
the phenotypic characteristics analyzed, among which are considered: fruit
color, shape, fruit ribbing, disk shape and presence of limb in the calyx.
supported by programs such as InfoStat and the statistical software SPSS
Statistics 26.
The Shapiro-Wilk test (P<0.05) (Table 1),
showed that the data for the variables evaluated were not significant and the
coefficients of variation were within the range allowed for this type of
research (CV from 17% to 32%). This suggests that the data were normally
distributed. Likewise, Levene's test showed that all the variables were not
significant at P<0.05 probability, with the exception of the stamen length
variable (LDE), so the data of the evaluated variables showed homogeneity of
variances. These results suggest the continuity of the analysis of variance.
Evaluation of the physical
characteristics of the grain of Coffea arabica, Sarchimor 4260
Prior to the statistical evaluation of the
results, an analysis of the metric data was carried out, establishing that they
have a normal distribution and homogeneous variance, which justified the use of
parametric statistics. The analysis of variance of grain morphometry determined
that there were significant statistical differences at the level of interaction
between factors (Table 4), however, differences were observed at the level of
the fertilizer factor, where differences in the width and thickness of the
grains were evident, but not in the length; the best performing treatment was
urea with dry beneficiation.
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) of physical
characteristics of grain 1, related to defects and size.
Treatment |
Variables |
Length |
Width |
Thickness |
T1 (M-BH) |
15,42±0,12 (1,4) |
14,05±0,23 (2,87)ab |
12,14±0,4 (5,71)ab |
T2 (M-BS) |
15,36±0,38 (4,26) |
14,37±0,02 (0,21)ab |
12,28±0,08 (1,17)ab |
T3 (M-SH) |
15,34±0,41 (4,62) |
14,47±0,24 (2,84)ab |
12,10±0,25 (3,53)ab |
T4 (H-BH) |
15,69±0,34 (3,76) |
14,66±0,09 (1,11)ab |
12,86±0,03 (0,47)ab |
T5 (H-BS) |
14,95±0,44 (5,07) |
13,86±0,25 (3,18)b |
11,87±0,16 (2,37)b |
T6 (H-SH) |
15,19±0,11 (1,2) |
14,32±0,31 (3,73)ab |
12,27±0,16 (2,33)ab |
T7 (U-BH) |
15,54±0,07 (0,8) |
15,79±0,12 (1,33)a |
13,69±0,08 (1,97)a |
T8 (U-BS) |
15,03±0,39 (4,53) |
15,11±0,6 (6,85)ab |
13,13±0,44 (5,77)ab |
T9 (U-SH) |
15,72±0,48 (5,26) |
15,39±0,41 (4,58)ab |
13,98±0,25 (3,08)ab |
p- Fertilizer value |
0,868ns |
<0,05* |
<0,01** |
p-value Benefit |
0,332ns |
0,196ns |
0,055ns |
p-value F vs B |
0,696ns |
0,264ns |
0,075ns |
Note. a,b, for each control, least-squares means differ significantly (p <
0.05) between groups: *significant; **highly significant;ns not
Evaluation of phenotypic
characteristics of Coffea arabica bean,
Sarchimor 4260
For the analysis of the qualitative
variables of the fruit (color, shape, ribbing, disk shape and presence of limb
in the calyx), the non-parametric chi-square statistic was applied. The results
determined that there were no statistical differences in any of the variables
analyzed, establishing that, in terms of fruit color, the most frequent colors
are red and purple red; in terms of the presence of a calyx blade, the most
common in the treatments is the unmarked, and to a lesser extent the marked,
but not prominent; in terms of fruit shape, all of them are rounded, and in all
treatments there is an absence of ribbing.
Table 5. Evaluation of the
qualitative physical characteristics of the coffee fruit.
Treatments |
Red |
Purple red |
Not marked |
Marked but not prominent |
T1 (M-BH |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
T2 (M-BS) |
0 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
T3 (M-SH) |
2 |
1 |
3 |
0 |
T4 (H-BH) |
3 |
0 |
2 |
1 |
T5 (H-BS) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
0 |
T6 (H-SH) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
0 |
T7 (U-BH) |
2 |
1 |
3 |
0 |
T8 (U-BS) |
2 |
1 |
3 |
0 |
T9 (U-SH) |
2 |
1 |
3 |
0 |
Total |
15 |
12 |
24 |
3 |
P value |
0,42ns |
0,56ns |
Note: P-value> 0.05 there is no relationship between variables.
Analysis of caracol grains
When evaluating the
presence of snail grains, it was observed that treatment T6 (Humus + Semi-humid
beneficiation) presented the highest percentage (13.5%), indicating a higher
incidence of this type of grain. This was followed by treatment T1 (Mycorrhizae
+ humid beneficiation) with 10%. In relation to the weight of snail kernels,
treatment T8 (Urea + Semi-wet beneficiation) showed the best performance,
reaching 3%, and the proportion of snail kernels was significantly higher in
this treatment. T6, with an average weight of 17 grams. On the contrary,
treatments T1 and T2 presented the lowest weight of snail kernels, with 11
grams each. Detailed percentages and weights of empty fruit and snail kernels
for all treatments are shown in Table 6.
Table 6. Proportion
of empty fruit and snail kernels
Variables |
Treatments |
T1 |
T2 |
T3 |
T4 |
T5 |
T6 |
T7 |
T8 |
T9 |
(M-BH) |
(M-BS) |
(M-SH) |
(H-BH) |
(H-BS) |
(H-SH) |
(U-BH) |
(U-BS) |
(U-SH) |
Percentage of empty fruits (%) |
4 |
3,5 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
4,5 |
4 |
4 |
5 |
Weight of empty fruits (g) |
12 |
12,5 |
12 |
13 |
12,9 |
13 |
15 |
15,4 |
16 |
Percentage of
"caracoli" grains (%) |
10 |
10,5 |
10 |
13 |
12 |
13,5 |
12,5 |
13 |
12,5 |
Weight of "caracoli" grains (g) |
11 |
11 |
11,5 |
14 |
13 |
14 |
15,5 |
17 |
15 |
Note: T: Treatment; M-BH: Mycorrhiza +
Wet Benefit; M-BS: Mycorrhiza + Dry
Benefit; M-SH: Mycorrhiza + Semi-Humid Benefit; H-BH: Humus + Wet Benefit;
H-BS: Humus + Dry Benefit; H-SH: Humus + Sub-Humid Benefit; U-BH: Urea + Wet
Benefit; U-BS: Urea + Dry Benefit; U-SH: Urea + Semi-Humid Benefit.
screening test according to NTE INEN 290 standard
When analyzing the sieving of the
grains (sieves 14, 15 and 17), we found that the treatments applied, as well as
their combinations, had a highly significant influence on the results obtained (Table 7). In sieve 14, highly significant statistical
differences were identified at the level of the fertilizer factors and the type
of beneficiation, as well as in the interaction of both factors, with the T6
treatment (H-SH) and the T5 treatment (H-BS) having the lowest and highest
percentages. Regarding sieve 15 between treatments, no statistical differences
were found; regarding sieve 17, highly significant differences were observed,
treatment T2 (M-BS) and treatment T8 (U-BS) resulted in the lowest and highest
percentages successively. These
results determine that the best treatment is the one containing urea with dry
beneficiation, and the treatments with mycorrhiza in all types of beneficiation
are the smallest grains.
Table 71. Screening analysis
according to standard NTE INEN 290
Treatment |
Variables |
Sieve 14 |
Sieve 15 |
Sieve 17 |
11,33±0,0,49 (7,5)a |
63,43±0,3 (0,81) |
21,3±0,58 (4,69)cd |
9,67±0,88 (15,8)ab |
71±0,4 (0,99) |
16,57±0,3 (3,1)d |
T3 (M-SH) |
8,43±1,11 (22,7)b |
69,67±1 (2,5) |
17,57±1,11 (10,9)cd |
T4 (H-BH) |
7,77±0,23 (5,2)b |
57,33±0,52 (1,58) |
32,1±0,67 (3,59)a |
12,23±0,29 (4,11)a |
59,57±0,13 (0,39) |
24±0,68 (4,91)bc |
7,1±0,1 (2,44)b |
52,10±14,40 (47,87) |
24,30±0,58 (4,12)bc |
T7 (U-BH) |
7,23±0,62 (14,91)b |
60±1,08 (3,11) |
29,43±1,04 (6,13)ab |
7,90±0,42 (9,13)b |
49,8±0,1 (0,35) |
36±3,51 (16,90)a |
T9 (U-SH) |
7,43±0,3 (6,90)b |
66,43±0,81 (2,11) |
23,2±0,95 (7,12)bcd |
p- fertilizer value |
<0,01** |
<0,05* |
<0,01** |
p-value Benefit |
<0,01** |
0,7612ns |
<0,01** |
p-value F
vs B |
<0,01** |
0,1338ns |
<0,01** |
Note. a,b,c for each
control treatments F vs B interaction, least squares means differ significantly
(p < 0.05) between F vs V interaction groups : *significant; **highly
significant; ns not significant.
Analysis of residues,
physical defects and density.
Coffee density is the
weight of a coffee bean in proportion to its volume. Taking as a reference the
value of 650g/L, the density of the beans in each treatment was determined. All
treatments exceeded the reference value, therefore, it is concluded that the
coffee evaluated has a good density. Treatments T1 and T3 presented the highest
density with 860 grams/liter, while the lowest density treatment was T4 with
810 grams/liter. Table 17 shows the densities recorded for each of the
With respect to the
evaluation of the physical defects of green coffee, it was determined that
there is no significant statistical difference between treatments and
replicates with respect to the number of physical defects, with an average of
15.4 defects and a coefficient of variation of 27.5%, which indicates that the
average mean is representative.
Within this variable,
mathematically, the treatment with the lowest defects was T7 with 11.63 % of
defects, while in the opposite direction is T8 with 20.87 defects being the
highest scoring, both treatments with only urea application.
Regarding the residue
variable, the results indicate that only the interactions between treatments
have a highly significant statistical effect. In the samples of 300 grams of
green coffee sieved, it was determined that T3 (mycorrhiza + semi-humid processing)
obtained a residue of 4.33%, in contrast to T6: Humus + Sub-humid Processing,
which obtained 1.49% residue. The means and significance of the variable
residue, according to the Tukey test at 5%, applied to the interactions of the
factors under study, are presented.
Table 8. 5% Tukey test performed on
grain size, related to the interactions of the factors: fertilizers and type of
beneficiation and the variable residue.
Treatments |
Density (g/L) |
Physical defects |
Residues (average) |
T1 |
860 |
14,97 a |
3,89 ab |
T2 |
827 |
15,27 a |
2,78 ab |
T3 |
860 |
15,6 a |
4,33 a |
T4 |
810 |
18,67 a |
2,79 ab |
T5 |
825 |
15,4 a |
4,20 a |
T6 |
849 |
12,9 a |
1,49 b |
T7 |
848 |
11,63 a |
3,34 ab |
T8 |
820 |
20,87 a |
2,98 ab |
T9 |
850 |
12,9 a |
2,92 ab |
Note: Means
with a common letter are not significantly different (p > 0.05).
Organoleptic analysis
of Coffea arabica bean, Sarchimor 4260 with
different sources of fertilization and different types of processing .
The sensory analysis was carried out by specialists tasters of the
company Solubles Instantáneos, the results are presented in table 9, in which
it can be seen that all treatments thanks to good management exceed the score
of 80 in their attributes, so they are considered coffees of excellence,
expressing sweetness, cleanliness of rate, uniformity, balance, body, acidity,
balance and flavor.
The treatments with the highest scores are T6 humus with semi-humid
benefit (yellow honey) with 82.75; and the treatment T7 urea with humid benefit
(BH) (anaerobic fermentation) with a score of 87.25.
Table 10. Results
of organoleptic attributes of samples of Coffea arabica, Sarchimor 4260 with
different sources of fertilization and different types of processing.
Treatments |
Total |
/ Aroma |
Taste |
Flavor |
Acidity |
Body |
Balance |
Uniformity |
Cup |
Sweetness |
Score |
defects |
T1 (M-BH) |
7,3 |
7,5 |
7,5 |
7,5 |
7,3 |
7,3 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
7,5 |
0 |
81,75 |
7 |
7,3 |
7 |
7,5 |
7,3 |
7,3 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
7 |
0 |
80,25 |
T3 (M-SH) |
7,5 |
7,3 |
7 |
7,8 |
7,3 |
7,5 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
7,3 |
0 |
81,5 |
T4 (H-BH) |
7,5 |
7,3 |
7,3 |
7,5 |
7,3 |
7,3 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
7,3 |
0 |
81,25 |
7,5 |
7,3 |
7,5 |
7,5 |
7,3 |
7,5 |
8 |
10 |
10 |
7,5 |
0 |
80 |
7,8 |
7,5 |
7,8 |
7,5 |
7,3 |
7,5 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
7,5 |
0 |
82,75 |
T7 (U-BH) |
7,5 |
7,5 |
7,5 |
7,5 |
7,25 |
7,5 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
7,5 |
0 |
82,25 |
7,3 |
7,3 |
7,3 |
7,5 |
7,3 |
7,3 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
7,3 |
0 |
81 |
T9 (U-SH) |
7,5 |
7,3 |
7,3 |
7,5 |
7,3 |
7,3 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
7,5 |
0 |
81,5 |
Source: Instant Solubles Laboratory
The characteristics of
the best treatments were: for T6 (H-SH): dark chocolate, panela; citric flavor,
lime, light herbal; short residual flavor, light astringent; medium malic
acidity; medium body; balanced; the coffee has many characteristics that are
maintained when cold; and for T7 (U-BH): citric fragrance, sweet, chocolate;
pleasant light citric flavor; short residual flavor, pleasant; medium citric
acidity; medium-low body; balanced; the coffee maintains its characteristics
when cold and remains pleasant. The other treatments lose their attributes when
cold or present an astringent residual, characteristics that are not very
The present
research work has demonstrated that agroecological fertilizers have positive
effects on Coffea arabica plantations; agreeing in this sense
with the work carried out by (Aguilar, 2016), where it is stated that coffee responds
well to the association with mycorrhizae with which it establishes a natural
association. The microorganisms associated with coffee plants play a
critical role in the physiology, production and final quality of the coffee
bean. Mycorrhizal fungi, specifically arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, form
symbiotic associations with coffee plants, supplying nutrients that would
otherwise be inaccessible to the roots. This supply of nutrients can affect the
quality of the coffee bean. Therefore, the diversity of microorganisms
associated with coffee fruits is crucial for understanding the interactions,
metabolic pathways, and production of microbial metabolites that serve as
sensory precursors of high quality coffee beverages (Rojas
et al., 2024).
Duicela (2017) in
research conducted in agroforestry systems Altitudes of cultivation areas in
Ecuador, where 40 samples of coffee of the varieties Tipica, Caturra, Bourbon
and Sarchimor, taken in the provinces of El Oro, Loja and Manabi were analyzed.
The type of processing was by wet fermentation in water with a time of 12 to 24
hours; the score obtained ranged from 80.95 to 82.27 points, a lower result than that obtained in
this research where 82.75 was obtained with the wet processing and the
cultivation with the application of worm humus, the points obtained place these coffees as specialty coffees.
In the evaluation of the sieves, highly significant
statistical differences for the factors and their interactions were found in
sieve number 14, with an average of 7.1% to 12.23%, the highest being the
coffee obtained by dry milling, and the lowest the wet milling, both fertilized
with worm castings; these results are similar to the results observed by Bravo
and Giler, (2018) who conducted granulometric tests on three varieties of
coffee, and although they did not find significant differences in their treatments,
they observed that in the Sarchimor varietal, in the sieve 14 they obtained an
average of 11.42% of grains. Regarding the dentition, Bravo and Giler obtained
an average of 668 grams/liter, a value lower than the average of 830
grams/liter of the research carried out. The same author identified an average
of 22 physical defects in the coffee beans, being seven points higher than the
present research where an average of 15 defects were found.
Coffee bean
size is significantly influenced by soil fertilizers, as evidenced by several
studies. Nutrient ratios, in particular the balance of calcium and magnesium
and nitrogen and phosphorus, are crucial in determining bean size; an increase
in calcium relative to magnesium correlates with larger beans (Abebe et al.,
2019). In addition, different levels of fertilization have been shown to affect
coffee bean size, with higher fertilization leading to a higher proportion of
larger beans in specific cultivars (Bruno et al., 2007).
fertilizers also improve growth and yield, indicating that the type and timing
of fertilizer application can optimize grain size (De Carvalho et al.,
2024). In addition, the integration of organic and inorganic fertilizers has
been recommended to maximize yield and growth, which indirectly influences
grain size (Obsa, 2021). In general, careful management of soil nutrients
through appropriate fertilization strategies is essential to improve coffee
bean size and quality.
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